[AGENCY NAME] REAL ESTATE SALE/PURCHASE REPRESENTATION, BROKERAGE, AND COMMISSION AGREEMENT This agreement is made between [AGENCY NAME], located at [AGENCY ADDRESS], and [CLIENT NAME], represented by [CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE]. A. PROPERTY DETAILS Property Information: Location: [PROPERTY ADDRESS] Property Type: [PROPERTY TYPE] B. GENERAL TERMS 1. Effective Date: [START DATE] End Date: [END DATE] Sale Price Range: [PRICE RANGE] 2. During the term of this agreement, the CLIENT agrees to exclusively use [AGENCY NAME] for all real estate transactions involving the sale of the property mentioned above. CLIENT will not grant any rights or permissions to third parties regarding these transactions. 3. Commission: If the property is sold during the term of this agreement, a commission of [PERCENTAGE]% + VAT of the final sale price will be paid to [AGENCY NAME]. In case of an alternative sale agreement without the agency’s involvement, the commission remains applicable. 4. If the CLIENT cancels this agreement unilaterally without valid reasons, they will be required to pay a cancellation fee of [PERCENTAGE]% + VAT. 5. All disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved exclusively by the [SPECIFIED COURT]. [CLIENT SIGNATURE] [AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE]