"There must be a piece of land somewhere where we can set foot, where we can catch up with the paradise that is vanishing".

"There must be a piece of land somewhere where we can set foot, where we can catch up with the paradise that is vanishing".
"There must be a piece of land somewhere where we can set foot, where we can catch up with the paradise that is vanishing".
"There must be a piece of land somewhere where we can set foot, where we can catch up with the paradise that is vanishing".
"There must be a piece of land somewhere where we can set foot, where we can catch up with the paradise that is vanishing".
"There must be a piece of land somewhere where we can set foot, where we can catch up with the paradise that is vanishing".
"There must be a piece of land somewhere where we can set foot, where we can catch up with the paradise that is vanishing".
"There must be a piece of land somewhere where we can set foot, where we can catch up with the paradise that is vanishing".
"There must be a piece of land somewhere where we can set foot, where we can catch up with the paradise that is vanishing".
"There must be a piece of land somewhere where we can set foot, where we can catch up with the paradise that is vanishing".
"There must be a piece of land somewhere where we can set foot, where we can catch up with the paradise that is vanishing".
Contact phone: +36307939359
Number of bedrooms: 22
Plot size: 700 m²
Availability: March 4, 2025

“There must be a piece of land somewhere where we can set foot, where we can catch up with the paradise that is vanishing”.

Stay in your own hotel.

We offer you a unique opportunity in the holiday village of Doboz – Szanazug in Békés County. Suitable for multi-generational family house, village accommodation, hotel, wedding house, wedding house, corporate holiday home, holiday resort, convent, monastery, convent, churches, foundation, etc. Compared to its real value, the cost of restoring the hotel to its original usable condition is minimal. The paradise itself. 60 m long concreted parking lot, restaurant, bar, kitchen, professional preparation rooms, warehouses, 10,000 square metre park with a forest of mature trees and rows of floor lamps, retro playground,6×32 amp electricity on underground cable. 700 sqm, 22-roomed Bauhaus-style hotel with apartments on the first floor, surrounded by fencing. Built for its own use by the construction company of the party-state regime around 1975.

Designed and built as an architectural masterpiece. Forest on one side (a protected forest in its original condition) and the Double-Kőrös (River) on the other. There is an old castle gate (Sámson Castle) in the woods on the banks of the Holtkőrös (river). 200m from the property is a high quality free beach with a ferry service to the other side of the house where there is a paid beach and a marina with a pleasure boat. Walking up the river, the Black and White Kőrös are junctioned. A setting of unrivalled beauty. So many opportunities for walking, fishing, boating, sailing, cycling. For a peaceful lifestyle, a peaceful life. Gyula, Békéscsaba 10 – 15 minutes by car, the whole area is bikeable.

The hotel often gives the feeling of being in a heavily guarded game park. The police are always on the lookout (their district headquarters is also here), there is a civil guard and a fish patrol. There are deers and elks everywhere. The trees in the park around the building are almost a hundred years old. Photos taken from the property. Victor Hugo is said to have sat in his favourite café with his back to the Eiffel Tower because he couldn’t stand that hideous. He only liked the green of the Champ de Mars. It’s in all of us: to be in touch with the landscape, with the green, to be in touch with nature in some way. The urban, metropolitan lifestyle has many negative consequences. It is well known that one of the causes of urban neurosis is the separation from nature. Something is permanently gone. Experts agree that the next ten years will see a fundamental change in our travel and leisure habits.


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